
Why Was My Federal Workers’ Compensation Claim Denied?

The Office of the Workers’ Compensation program assigns cases that come to them to officers who will determine whether you are eligible for compensation after you’ve suffered an injury as a federal worker. Hospital visits can be costly, and you may see yourself needing additional resources to help you with things like physical therapy and even psychological counseling in some cases. There are a lot of people just like you who give their all to their job as federal workers, believing that the government has their back should they get injured or fall ill while performing work-related duties.

Was your federal workers’ compensation claim denied? Don’t lose faith; call us today on 1-877-561-3004 and we will help you get it approved or reinstated.

Insufficient Medical Evidence

There are various reasons why your federal workers’ compensation claim may have been denied by the OWCP. First, they may claim that your case has ‘insufficient medical evidence’. For example, if you work as a letter carrier and got bit by a dog in the line of duty but don’t have outward signs of injury except for post-traumatic stress, your case manager may decide that your claim isn’t valid since there is no concrete physical evidence. In addition, they may not accept a psychological evaluation as evidence by a licensed therapist, especially if you have had a history of mental health problems in the past. Lastly, if your doctor doesn’t indicate the exact nature of your injuries, when and where they took place as well as how they happened, your claim may be denied. To this end, it is important to work with a doctor who has handled these kinds of cases in the past.

Insufficient Factual Evidence

The second reason why your federal workers’ compensation claim may be denied is due to ‘insufficient factual evidence’. This differs from medical evidence by virtue of the fact that one must provide facts which point to a correlation between the work conditions and a person’s injury. That is to say, if OWCP is able to prove that your condition could have been caused by something other than a work-related condition (such as a torn meniscus due to a work injury becoming aggravated by playing catch with your pet or children), they will deny your claim outright.

Many people feel like they’ve been denied what’s rightfully theirs when they are denied federal workers’ compensation benefits. The truth is that a denial shouldn’t be the end of your claims, whether or not you’re able to get by with life. It is important to get in touch with a federal workers’ compensation attorney so you can get the justice that you deserve.

Another  Federal Workers’ Compensation Win For McCready, Garcia & Leet

Just recently, we worked with a client who is an air traffic controller who came to us to help him get compensation. He claimed that the stress and pressure of his job made him develop an anxiety condition. However, OWCP denied his claim on the grounds of his anxiety not being an occupational disease.

Our legal team went to work and was able to prove a direct correlation between his condition and the performance of his duties as an air traffic controller by establishing the medical component of ‘fact of injury’. At the time of writing this post, the claimant’s condition was accepted and is entitled to full federal workers’ compensation benefits.

Was your federal workers’ compensation claim denied? Let us help you fight the OWCP decision. Please call us today on 1-877-561-3004 for your free and confidential consultation. Thanks, and we look forward to serving you.