
Will I Be Compensated for Off-The-Job Injuries? Illinois Workers’ Compensation

As an injured worker in Illinois, you may wonder whether your employee is liable for injuries sustained at a location outside your designated work area. According to Illinois law, the answer to this question is somewhat complex, and depends your case’s specific circumstances. Workers’ compensation laws in Illinois help you get the medical care you need as well as reimburse you for lost wages should you sustain an injury. This form of protection is part of the labor laws that were established over a century ago when workers came together to lobby the government to provide them with protections that would see them have a safety net of sorts when it comes to fair compensation, job security and other pertinent labor issues.

Are you looking for a Chicago, Illinois workers’ compensation attorney? Call us NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 to learn more about what we can do for you. Our attorneys bring to the table combined experience spanning over 70 years, and we’ve helped hundreds of individuals just like you get the compensation you deserve. You may be able to file a claim for lost wages, the cost of hospital treatment as well as rehabilitative care depending on the circumstances behind your case. Call 1 (773) 825-3547 NOW to speak with a friendly Chicago workers’ compensation attorney to discover your legal options for compensation.

What The Law Says

According to the law in Illinois, an employer may be legally liable for an injury which occurs out of and in the course of employment. That is to say, as long as you were performing job-related duties, it doesn’t matter where you were physically – you may still be able to receive Illinois workers’ compensation benefits.

What If I Was En Route To a Work Location?

Lots of Illinois workers have to move from one location to another as part of their job description. This may include individuals in the transport industry as well as those working in industries where going out to meet clients is part of the job. For instance, if you got into a car accident while going for an apartment viewing with a client as an employee of a large real estate company, you will be entitled to Chicago workers’ compensation benefits. That being said, you may not be entitled to Illinois workers’ compensation benefits if you are injured on the way to work or leaving after a long day at work.

Injuries That Occur During Company Events

When it comes to employer-sponsored events, injuries suffered at these may or may not be compensable depending on a key determinant. If your participation at these events was mandatory at the time of your accident, you may be eligible for Chicago workers’ compensation. In addition, even when the employer doesn’t outright state that participation is mandatory but warns those who do not do so of a dock in their pay, the law may see this non-payment consequence as a clear sign to mean that participation was mandatory even without an express written or oral statement from your employer.

Legal Help for Injured Workers in Illinois

Are you looking for a workers’ compensation attorney in Chicago, or anywhere else in Illinois? Call us at 1 (773) 825-3547 for more information on how we can help you get the compensation you duly deserve. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.