Workplace Fatalities – Here’s How Filing a Legal Claim Works

The death of a loved one can be heartbreaking and unsettling. If the person was the main breadwinner, your family dynamics may see an upheaval that may leave you scrambling to survive. Workplace fatalities aren’t a blue moon occurrence; they happen all the time, and are more often than not caused by human negligence.
Workplace Fatalities are Common in Some Industries
Workplace fatalities are common in industries that involve working with hazardous materials or operating from great heights such as the building and construction and oil industries. In addition, factory workers work in environments that are peppered with large machines with hot gases, cutting blades and furnaces that can seriously injure and kill should they malfunction for whatever reason. At the end of the day, poor equipment maintenance, not providing proper safety training to workers or asking workers to work unreasonably long hours which in the end affects their cognitive processing are all things that can lead to employees making fatal mistakes.
Workers’ Compensation is Not Enough
Workers’ compensation usually comes into play in workplace fatality cases. This can pay for things like lost wages and funeral arrangements, but in all honesty, it’s impossible to put a price on a human life. That being said, you shouldn’t have to suffer for the rest of your life because someone else was the cause of the demise of your wife, husband or child. It is important to file a wrongful death lawsuit so you can get the needed compensation that can go a long way in alleviating any financial strain you may experience in the future as well as soothe any psychological pain and suffering you may have to endure over the years.
It is important to note that not just anyone can file a wrongful death lawsuit. According to the law, you must be legally married to them or have a familial bond recognized by the justice system. For more information on who’s allowed to file, please get in touch with us on 877-561-3004.
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In addition to a lump sum payment in these kinds of cases, you can sue for punitive damages if the actions of the person thought to be responsible for your loved one’s death are found to be egregious. We understand that all this sounds very complicated, and that is why we would like to invite you to give us a call on 877-561-3004 for your free consultation. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to hearing from you.