Zantac Cancer Lawsuit in 2021 Attorneys – Find Legal Help Here

Zantac is a well-known medication that is used in the treatment of heartburn and its more serious cousin, GERD. Zantac is a common fixture in just about every home, especially during summer as well as over the December holidays where parties replete with food and drink are commonplace. Zantac works by inhibiting certain enzymes in the gut which then in turn lowers the production of stomach acid, which consequently stops heartburn in its tracks. That said, Zantac has been in the news starting in late 2018 when it was discovered that NMDA, an organic chemical that has been linked to the development of various cancers, was found in Zantac at levels that are deemed to be unacceptable. Individuals who developed cancer after taking Zantac for more than six months may be able to recover compensation by way of multi-district litigation, a form of class action lawsuit that is slated to begin sometime next year. There’s still chance to join in on litigation so you can recover compensation, and in this post, we’ll show you how to do exactly that.
Were you injured by Zantac, or did you develop cancer as a Zantac user and suspect that the heartburn medication was the proximate cause of your cancer? The Zantac lawsuit attorneys at McCready Law have over 90 YEARS of combined legal experience helping individuals just like you get the justice and compensation you deserve. We work on contingency fee basis, and what this means is that we don’t charge you a CENT as we work on your case, meaning that there are no upfront fees. We collect our legal fees at the very end of the suit, and only after we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf. Don’t let the makers of Zantac get away with failing to inform you about a dangerous carcinogen in their medication, and potentially leading to the death of hundreds of patients from various cancers: let us fight for you by giving us a call NOW at (773) 985-5139 to learn more.
Zantac’s active ingredient is called ranitidine. What happens is that this compound forms NDMA in the gut after it is metabolized, which then if ingested over a long period of time and in sufficient quantities may cause cellular changes, mutations, and finally, cancer.
Ranitidine is prescribed to treat the following conditions:
- Peptic ulcer
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD
- Gastric ulcer
- Duodenal ulcers
- Heartburn
- Erosive esophagitis
- Postoperative ulcers
- Ulcers caused by stress
Ranitidine blocks something called the histamine-2 receptors from releasing histamine, which in turn inhibits the release of hydrochloric acid, giving ulcers a chance to heal and tissue to form over problem areas, thereby stopping gastric disorders in their tracks. At one point, Ranitidine was the world’s most successful medication, and over the years, it has changed hands with regard to manufacturer.
Some of the side-effects associated with ranitidine include:
- Constipation
- Headache
- Blurred vision dizziness
- Bleeding
- Easy bruising
- Fatigue
- Pneumonia
- Vertigo
- Jaundice
- Liver failure
- Confusion
- Bradychardia
- Hallucinations
Zantac, Ranitidine and Cancer
The ranitidine cancer link was discovered when an online pharmacy named Valisure tested the medication for problematic chemicals, finding that the medication contained extremely high levels of NDMA, also known as N-nitrosodimethylamine.
This organic chemical is dissolves easily in water, and because of this, it is highly bio-available and absorbable in the human body. It is interesting to note that NDMA was a component or ingredient that was used in the manufacture of rocket fuel. It is odorless and amber in color, and it is typically used in household cleaning, beauty and food items. It is said to be safe when it is included in these products in minuscule amounts, but the risk rises when levels of the chemical rise, to a point where it may become carcinogenic.
N-nitrosamines and Zantac – What’s The Link?
NDMA belongs to a chemical family of compounds called N-nitrosamines, which have been shown to cause various cancers, such as stomach and bladder cancers. The journal Carcinogenesis was able to show that individuals who took ranitidine saw a 400-fold increase in NDMA in their body fluids, particularly urine. N-nitrosamines are especially high in a disease called schistosomiasis, which often leads to bladder cancer.
Carcinogens are thought to cause cancer by influencing DNA damage which in turn leads to genetic mutations, after which cancer easily forms. NDMA elicits abnormal methylation which then makes it more likely that patients will develop cancer.
Zantac Cancer Lawsuits – Do I Have a Case?
Zantac cancer lawsuits are based off a singular legal premise, which is failure to warn. All manufacturers of products and services aimed at the consumer are expected to adhere to the legal principle of duty of care which seeks to keep consumers safe at all times as they interact or use said products and services. Roche Pharmaceuticals should have done the right thing by letting consumers know about the astronomically high levels of NDMA. Doing this would have empowered patients who would then have made informed decisions on whether or not they would want to continue with this medication or seek out another one with a lower side-effect profile.
Zantac Cancer Attorneys – Find Legal Help Here
When it comes to Zantac lawsuit updates in 2021, as of August of this year, these lawsuits are on pause on account of the coronavirus pandemic, but discovery is ongoing, which is part of pretrial proceedings, and this is expected to last all of this year. That said, it is not too late to file a Zantac cancer lawsuit claim. If you developed bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer, ovarian cancer, melanoma, prostate cancer, and stomach cancer after taking Zantac, you may be eligible for financial compensation. Please contact our Zantac cancer attorneys NOW at (773) 985-5139 to learn more about your rights and how to go about filing a Zantac cancer lawsuit in 2021. You may be able to recover money damages for things like past and future medical costs, lost wages, loss of wage earning capacity, loss of consortium, pain and suffering, mental anguish, punitive damages, and so much more. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.