Chicago experiences about 1,400 bike crashes annually, with a wide variety of minor, incapacitating, and fatal injuries. Because bicyclists hit by negligent motorists are unprotected, they can spend a lot of time and money recuperating, which can destabilize their finances.
When you have been injured in this type of wreck, know that you have legal options. Our compassionate and well-versed bicycle accident lawyers at McCready Law, with their extensive experience in handling auto crash cases, could help you take the proper steps after a bicycle accident in Chicago. Call us today to discuss your case with a hardworking cycling collision attorney.
If someone becomes unconscious in a crash, having a medical alert device and carrying identification that includes conditions and allergies will help the police and paramedics administer proper early care and quickly inform loved ones about the accident.
Bicyclists who are injured in the street but conscious should determine whether they can move to the side of the road or ask a bystander to redirect or block traffic with a vehicle. Other actions to take include the following:
Bicycle crash injuries often include road rashes as well as trauma to the head, neck, and back. Although protective helmets, which are required in Illinois, have been shown to protect bicyclists from some harm, broken bones and internal organ damage are also common.
A McCready Law personal injury attorney could work to make clients whole after these physical losses. This could include compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. A lawyer could fight to ensure you receive the maximum damage award you deserve.
A bicyclist’s medical condition is essential evidence for an attorney to use to build a case based on the negligence of a motorist. Police reports are also crucial because they are compiled and drafted by a law enforcement professional who is familiar with negligent motorists’ actions. For example, if an officer suspects alcohol or drugs are involved, tests will be given as proof.
The lawyers at McCready Law could interview witnesses, search security camera tapes, and analyze every fact meticulously. They could call on expert witnesses when necessary and apply relevant Illinois statutes and case law to advocate for each client. A Chicago lawyer could guide an injured party’s legal journey so they do not have to wonder what to do after a bicycle crash.
Chicago is a bike-friendly city with few downsides. However, when someone shares the road with a negligent motorist, they can sustain life-threatening injuries that alter the course of their life.
When you find yourself in this position, remember that your health is the top priority. Seek immediate medical help and then call McCready Law for legal assistance. Our highly skilled lawyers could walk you through what to do after a bicycle accident in Chicago. Get in touch today to schedule an initial consultation.