Distracted Driving Truck Accidents in Chicago

Driving a truck requires undivided attention to your surroundings and the other drivers sharing the road. In Chicago, drivers deal with heavy traffic, and for nearly half the year, they also face winter weather and sometimes treacherous road conditions. Drivers everywhere must also prevent distractions from modern technology such as GPS software and cell phones. The possibility of severe injuries and damage increases substantially when an accident involves a large truck. If you’ve experienced distracted driving truck accidents in Chicago, our reliable truck accident attorneys could help you get the compensation you need.

What Defines Distracted Driving Truck Accidents in Chicago?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) defines a truck as a vehicle with gross vehicle weight of 4,547 kg or over 10,001 lbs. Some examples of trucks include 18-wheelers, semi-trucks, tankers, and tractor-trailers.

Driving is not a right, but a privilege, in which the driver is responsible for protecting the lives of the vehicle’s passengers and other drivers and passengers on the road. This responsibility is more significant for truck drivers because of the increased likelihood of severe injury. Anything that takes the driver’s focus off the road is considered a distraction. Illinois law prohibits the use of handheld cellphones, texting, other electronic devices, and headsets, except for hearing aids. The only time the law allows for talking on a cell phone is in the case of an emergency or when the driver pulls over to the shoulder of the road.

Other activities that don’t fall under specific legislation but still fall under the category of distraction include:

  • Adjusting the seat positions
  • Arguing with a passenger
  • Eating or drinking
  • Grooming activities, such as combing hair, applying makeup, shaving, or clipping and filing nails
  • Reading or writing
  • Smoking
  • Tuning the radio or adjusting the GPS

With many nationwide fatalities reported annually due to distracted driving truck accidents in Chicago, it is important to be extremely careful when sharing the road with these vehicles.

Liabilities for Truck Accidents Caused by Distracted Driving

For commercial truck drivers, remaining focused on the road is crucial, as collisions and other accidents often result in property damage, severe injuries, and even death. The parties potentially found liable for a distracted driving accident may include the driver, the trucking company for improper training and monitoring, and the loading or cargo company for faulty loading.

Medical Considerations

Besides the thousands of deaths, the NHTSA reports annually nationwide, distracted driving truck accidents also cause injuries including broken bones, head trauma, internal bleeding, lacerations, in addition to increased stress and anxiety. Injuries from these accidents may result in temporary or permanent disability.

Legal Considerations

Though Illinois imposes aggressive laws concerning using cellphones and other electronic equipment while driving, plenty of drivers, including commercial truck drivers, still end up breaking the law. Of course, plenty of other distractions may also cause accidents. The complexity surrounding the possible culpable parties in distracted truck driving accidents in Chicago highlights the need for experienced legal representation.

Steps to Take if You Are Hit by a Commercial Truck

Victims of distracted truck driver accidents in Chicago should immediately call 911 to report the accident, request medical attention, and report the accident to the authorities. Once medical responders are alerted:

  • Get the driver’s insurance information, if possible.
  • Even seemingly minor injuries require medical attention. Prompt medical care will ensure a smoother legal process. This action is essential since the Illinois Statute of Limitations is two years for personal injury unless criminal activity is involved.
  • Contact a personal injury law firm with an experienced legal team who works with distracted driving truck accident cases.
  • Follow up or select an advocate to follow up on the progress of your case. Ensure you are available for follow-up questions and information to file the proper insurance claims and adhere to the statute of limitations.

Contact Us For Help With Distracted Driving Truck Accidents in Chicago

With over 90 years of experience, the legal team at McCready Law continues to help clients get the settlement they deserve for personal injury cases of distracted driving truck drivers in Chicago. We communicate closely with our clients and promptly answer phone calls and questions. Do not hesitate to contact us today for a no-obligation consultation.