CTA Bus Settlement for Brain Injury

Our client, a 52-year-old woman, suffered a traumatic brain injury, laceration to her head requiring staples, a collapsed lung, a fractured wrist and laceration to her eye when she fell on a bus as a result of the bus driver suddenly braking causing our client, who was walking in the middle of the bus to find a seat, to be thrown forward and violently striking her head on a metal post in the front of the bus.


Key to this case was quick action by McCready, Garcia & Leet who sent a preservation letter to the CTA and obtained the video of the incident.  Here is a frame from the video which e used to help prove fault on behalf of the CTA:



She was transported by ambulance to the emergency room and a CT scan revealed an acute low-grade subdural hematoma and she was admitted to the neurosurgical intensive care unit for observation. Surgical intervention was not required, and the client failed to follow up with recommended after care. Defendant had a strong argument for contributory negligence, but we were still able to recover $125,000 pre-suit. While this money doesn’t give our client back her pre-accident life, it does provide compensation for some of the things she lost as a result of the accident.