How Long Do I Have To Bring A Case Against The CTA?
People injured in Illinois car accidents usually have two years to make a claim for personal injuries. If you are injured in a CTA bus accident or you are injured in a CTA train accident, you must settle your claim or file a lawsuit for personal injury damages within one year of the accident or you will lose all your rights to sue the CTA.
CTA adjusters often ignore your claim or drag it out.
Claims against the CTA must be brought within one year, so many claims adjusters will delay your claim in the hopes that you will miss the one year deadline. Do not let this happen to you! In CTA accident cases, it is even more important to speak with a lawyer as soon as possible. If you wait, the CTA may deny your case and force you to file a lawsuit or you lose your rights altogether. The lawyers at McCready Law have handled hundreds of claims against the CTA and will protect your rights before the one year time limitation for claims expires.