Minneapolis Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal injury or tort regulations cover a vast range of lawsuits resulting from the negligence or intentional actions of another person or company. The most significant cause of cases is vehicle collisions of all types, leading to pain and suffering and other intangible losses, though there are many potential causes.

You could be eligible for compensation if you suffer harm because of someone else’s carelessness. Contact an experienced Minneapolis personal injury lawyer to schedule a free consultation and learn more. The McCready Law team knows how to advocate on your behalf.

Types of Lawsuits Falling Under Personal Injury Law

Personal injury statutes cover a broad range of cases. McCready Law handles many kinds of personal injury claims in Minneapolis, including:

  • Vehicle collision lawsuits, including trucks, buses, and motorcycles
  • Pedestrian and bicycle accidents
  • Defective product injuries
  • Slip and fall injuries, swimming pool injuries, and other premises liability cases
  • Dog bites and animal attacks
  • Workplace injuries
  • Recreational boat accidents
  • Catastrophic injuries and wrongful death

The state and local ordinances govern personal injury laws, and the process of establishing fault and collecting a settlement is complex. Examples of local ordinance cases include negligent sidewalk maintenance or snow removal.

Recoverable Damages

The recoverable damages in negligence lawsuits include medical care, lost wages and benefits, and pain and suffering. The civil court typically awards compensation to cover out-of-pocket expenses and non-economic or non-monetary damages. During the consultation, a personal injury lawyer could assess the case and help estimate the possible award for damages.

The Essential Personal Injury Statutes

Knowing which personal injury statutes affect the case is essential for recovering compensation in tort claims. Those include the statute of limitations, no-fault-based automobile insurance coverage, and comparative negligence.

The Statute of Limitations

The personal injury statute of limitations enforces a deadline for the plaintiff to file a lawsuit for negligence cases. Per the Minnesota Statutes § 541.07, the petitioner must commence legal action within three years of the date they sustained injuries.

However, every case is unique, and there may be exceptions to the rule, depending on the circumstances. After reviewing the case, a seasoned Minneapolis attorney could answer specific questions regarding the personal injury claim process and timelines.

No-Fault Automobile Insurance System

State insurance laws follow a no-fault system for car crashes. That means all drivers involved in collisions will contact their insurance provider for a settlement to cover the damages, rather than the liable party’s policy covering the other motorists.

The Comparative Fault Rule

Tort laws in Minnesota follow a comparative fault rule, and even if the plaintiff shares part of the fault for accidents, they can collect damages from the liable party. However, the civil court diminishes the settlement by the plaintiff’s percentage of fault. If the civil court jury finds the plaintiff over 50 percent responsible for the cause of action, the court will bar them from collecting monetary damages.

Meet With a Skilled Personal Injury Attorney in Minneapolis Now

Tort statutes cover many cases, and in-depth knowledge of case law is the most effective way to recover a fair settlement. A qualified Minneapolis personal injury lawyer could guide you through the court process and protect your rights inside and outside the courtroom. We could handle the communications and negotiations on your behalf and help you reach the settlement amount you need to address your financial concerns.

Call today to schedule a free consultation if you need help after sustaining damages and losses because of another party’s negligent actions. Call us soon to ensure there is time to prepare a strong claim and file it with the court before the statute of limitations expiration date.