Filing a Legal Claim for Electrical Injury and Burn Injuries

Construction sites are without a doubt one of the most dangerous types of working environment due to the many hazardous equipment as well as the number of people performing different construction tasks. Therefore, safety is of the utmost importance, with worker safety training and the donning of safety gear taking priority. In addition, OSHA, a government safety agency has a handbook that all supervisors must adhere to on a daily basis in order to keep their workers safe within this environment.
Are you looking for an electrical injuries attorney? If you were injured at a construction site due to an electric switch left on, or live wire left lying without any warning sign or notice, you may be eligible for substantial financial compensation. Please, contact us TODAY at 1 (773) 825-3547 to learn more about how we can help you get money damages for electrical burns and other related injuries that will go a long way in taking care of your lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, the cost of future surgeries and so much more. The call is FREE, and you’re not obligated to have us take on your case if you’re still not convinced after the call.
Burn From Electric Shock
Electricity is undeniably indispensable when it comes to modern life. However, the same force that lights up our world and makes civilization run like a well-oiled machine can burn and kill in ways no fire can. Electricity, once it comes into contact with skin tissue, will find a way to exit it so it can be grounded, and this usually means passing through major organs and body systems.
Electricity has the potential to burn your skin as well as cause cardiac arrest and seizures. What’s concerning about electrical burns is that injuries aren’t usually apparent until a CT scan or MRI is done because it’s usually within one’s body that most of the injuries occur.
Types of Electrical Burn Injuries
Here are the main types of electrical burns in construction sites:
True Electrical Burn
These occur when an electric current enters your body via your hand and then exits your body via an exit wound which is apparent to medical professionals.
Electrical Arc
This type of burn happens when the flow of electricity passes through you from a certain source and then all the way to the ground.
Flash Burn
This burn is visible due to the arcs of electricity burns that are visible on your body. Electricity in this type of burn doesn’t course through your body since no penetration takes place, but it’s not uncommon for an individual to experience burns on large swathes of their body.
Flame Burn
These occur due to an electrical current causing a fire, which can compound a person’s injury because they will not only suffer electrocution, but they may also have to deal with burns on their body.
Electric Safety Procedures in Construction Sites
Electrical systems are found all over construction site as a building or structure goes up. However, there are usually designated individuals specially trained to oversee these areas and make sure that high voltage lines are de-energized, low voltage systems possess insulation and that everyone stays a minimum of 10 feet away from such high voltage areas.
Burn Injury Attorneys – Call Us Today!
Proving negligence for electrical burn injury requires the examination of evidence as well as interviewing and collecting witness statements. This requires the preservation of evidence as well as interviewing said individuals in good time before their memories become muddled. If you’ve been injured at a construction site anywhere in America and suffered electrical burn injuries, call us NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 to receive FREE legal advice on the next steps to take. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.