Johnson & Johnson Powder Cancer Lawsuit 2021 Settlement Update – File Here

In a shocking new twist in the Johnson & Johnson talc powder ovarian cancer lawsuits, the billion dollar company created an LLC or business entity which was meant to move all the lawsuits filed against the now allegedly solvent company to this new smaller entity in order to escape litigation and the responsibility of paying out more than 38,000 lawsuits currently filed against the company alleging that it knew that its powdered products contained asbestos yet the company did nothing to inform the consumers for decades, thereby causing harm to the same. The health product Pharma Company used a legal loophole that exists in Texas to create LTL LLC which would then allow them to dump all liability including the talc cancer lawsuits it is currently facing in this newly created entity. It is interesting to note that J&J is currently valued at over $25 billion, meaning that the cases filed could be amicably settled to the tune of $2 billion in total, but in its greed and arrogance, decided to give consumers the short end of the stick.
Did you use Johnson & Johnson powder as a personal hygiene care product for decades, and were you later on diagnosed with ovarian cancer or mesothelioma? The talcum powder cancer class action lawsuit lawyers at McCready Law have over 90 YEARS spent litigating claims against both small and big businesses, and it would be an honor for us to help you recover compensation that will go a long way in not only paying for your medical costs, but also the pain and suffering, lost wages, wrongful death and funeral costs, loss of consortium and society that you had to endure after you or a loved one was diagnosed with ovarian cancer or mesothelioma. What makes our talcum powder and ovarian cancer attorneys different is the fact that we have experience litigating claims in front of both a Judge and jury, which is something that most injury law firms do not have. In addition, we have a bilingual staff (hablamos Espanol) and every claim is handled by a real attorney, and not a paralegal. All cases are also handled on contingency fee basis, which means that there are ABSOLUTELY NO UPFRONT FEES when we take on your case, which is processed and compensation recovered after which we will levy our fees. Regardless of where you are in the country, if you developed mesothelioma or ovarian cancer after years of using Johnson & Johnson talcum powder, it is not too late to file a claim: please call us NOW at (773) 985-5139 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation and how you can be part of the class action lawsuit.
Johnson & Johnson Knew About Asbestos Presence
Documents unearthed by The New York Times and Reuters news agency back in 2018 showed that Johnson & Johnson was fully aware of the fact that their talcum powder products contained asbestos from as far back in the 1970s but it decided to keep quiet about this shocking fact just so it could continue to make profits at the expense of consumer’s health and wellbeing.
Johnson & Johnson CFO Defends Actions
Joseph Wolk, Johnson & Johnson’s acting CFO defended the company’s action in the creation of this new entity, claiming that it is a process that may be used by companies that are in the brink of litigation that could be thought of as abusive in mass tort law so that it could be afforded the opportunity to resolve talcum powder cancer claims in a manner that is equitable and efficient. Wolk also added that the decision to award damages to the victims of the Johnson & Johnson ovarian cancer and mesothelioma lawsuits would be up to the bankruptcy courts, and not the plaintiff or the company itself, the defendant.
Johnson & Johnson Criticized in Recent Bankruptcy Filing
In a surprising turn of events, LTL released a statement stating that Johnson & Johnson would furnish it with $2 billion in order to settle the Johnson & Johnson talcum powder lawsuits. Numerous civil and legal organizations have come forward to criticize Johnson & Johnson’s actions, claiming that it would be a “get out of jail free card” for the corporation and other rich companies to evade litigation, calling that the legislation that allowed for this to happen be scrapped. In addition, legal scholar Simon published a piece in the Yale Journal earlier this year stating that companies that did these were shameless “bankruptcy grifters” and that the Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection would only fine these corporations a fraction of the settlement. On top of that, other critics and politicians cited permissive bankruptcy laws which enable companies to venue shop and file for bankruptcy in states that had friendly laws towards corporations.
How Asbestos in Talcum Powder Causes Cancer
Asbestos is not only carcinogenic, it has been shown to have mutagenic properties when ingested or upon breaching mucous membranes, making it more likely for genetic changes to occur, setting the stage for ovarian and other cancers. In addition, asbestos can increase levels of oxidative stress which can kill off healthy cells before they have a chance to mature, which can then lead to inflammation and the growth of abnormal cells, which then causes various cancers such as mesothelioma.
Asbestos Talcum Powder Cancer Lawyers – Call Us NOW!
If you were affected by Johnson & Johnson powder and used it for decades as a personal hygiene product, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us NOW at (773) 985-5139 to learn more about your rights. Cases are still ongoing, and multidistrict litigation seems like the natural course of action for these claims. By filing a legal claim against the negligent actions of Johnson & Johnson, you will not only be able to recover compensation, but you will also be helping to spread awareness about the dangers of asbestos-laced products and potentially save the lives of other women. While nothing is set in stone yet, it is estimated that every plaintiff in the asbestos talcum powder lawsuits will receive upwards of $100,000 if they developed mesothelioma or ovarian cancer as a direct consequence of using Johnson & Johnson talcum powder. Please, call us NOW at (773) 985-5139 to learn more about how we can help. Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you.