Paralysis from Swimming or Diving Accidents – Your Options for Compensation and Justice

Swimming is an enjoyable activity indulged in by millions across the country. Whether it’s spring, summer or fall, families and friends love to go out for a dip at the local pool or invite others over to enjoy a sunny afternoon at their own pools while sipping on cocktails and having some finger food. While swimming can be relaxing and even entertaining, it poses various forms of danger to all that partake in it, due to reasons we’ll take a look at shortly. Paralysis refers to the loss of function of a limb or involuntary biological processes caused by infection or injury.
This loss of function can greatly impact an individual’s life and outlook, and may be caused by sports injuries, auto accidents and even recreational activities such as swimming. Individuals who suffer paralysis often sustain a primary injury to the back such as spinal cord injury, as this tends to sever the nerve fibers between the spinal cord and the brain, making it impossible for messages in the brain to reach the limbs and organs controlled by the same. Swimming can lead to paralysis in a number of ways, but one of the most common causes for this is unsupervised diving as the impact from this, particularly in a pool that does not have markings regarding pool depth, can result in spinal cord injury due to the impact of the head in the bottom of the pool.
Some forms of paralysis can be successfully resolved through timely surgery and rehabilitation, while others are permanent and may need ongoing care indefinitely. It is important to note that nothing happens in a vacuum, and that over 90 percent of so-called accidents usually have a human negligence component attached to them. If you or a loved one suffered paralysis due to a swimming pool accident, you may be able to recover compensation, and we’re here to help you with that.
How to Seek Compensation for Paralysis from Swimming or Diving Accidents
Are you looking for the best swimming pool paralysis injury attorney? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced and compassionate spinal cord injury and paralysis injury lawyers at McCready Law bring to the table over 50 years of combined legal experience helping thousands of injured Americans from all walks of life who suffered these injuries due to someone else’s preventable negligence.
Our law firm’s unique winning strategy which you won’t find in over 90 percent of other firms handling paralysis injury claims is our ability to successfully litigating claims in a court of law and recovering maximum compensation for our clients. Other law firms, on the other hand, will simply engage the insurance company in settlement negotiations which result in a payout which is only a fraction of what you would have gotten had you decided to litigate.
In addition to having nationwide reach thanks to our network of referral attorneys and law firms, we run a bilingual firm (hablamos Español), and we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which simply means that aside from nominal administrative fees needed for filing paperwork, there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the processing of your claim, as we only levy our fees at the end of the suit, and only if we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf. For your 100% FREE consultation into your paralysis pool injury lawsuit, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation – our intake team is standing by.
How and Why Does Paralysis Occur in Swimming and Diving Accidents?
Paralysis from swimming or diving accidents can occur due to a number of injury events such as damage to the brain, the spinal cord or the peripheral nerves. The severity of the paralysis depends on the location as well as type of injury.
Let’s take a look at some of the most common causes of paralysis due to swimming and diving accidents:
- Spinal Cord Injuries: the spinal cord is part of the nervous system and is responsible for the transmission of messages from the brain to the rest of the body. Should it get damaged, these signals may become disrupted, thereby leading to paralysis. Spinal cord injuries in swimming accidents can occur due to a number of reasons such as diving in shallow water leading to one’s head hitting the bottom, which in turn caused the compression or the fracturing of the vertebrae. High impact collisions with objects such as the edge of the pool, decorative rocks and even other swimmers may cause significant spinal trauma. Lastly, unnatural and sudden movements during a dive may also lead to spinal cord injuries.
- Brain Injuries: The brain is the command center of the body, and any head trauma can lead to paralysis. For instance, striking the head against any hard pool surface may lead to the interruption and even severing of brain hemispheres or bleeding, leading to paralysis. In addition, near-drowning or drowning may lead to lack of oxygen in the brain for a few minutes which may cause anoxic or hypoxic brain injuries leading to paralysis
- Peripheral Nerve Injuries: these nerves branch out from the spinal cord to the rest of the body, and the are responsible for the innervation of the muscles as well as feeling various sensations. Swimming and diving accidents have been shown to case cuts and lacerations in the peripheral nerves due to sharp objects in the water. In addition, blunt force trauma due to impact with hard surfaces such as the side of the pool or the floor in the event one dives into the shallow end can compress or crush peripheral nerves.
Experienced and Compassionate Swimming and Diving Injury Lawyers – Call Us Today!
Immediately after suffering a swimming or diving accident, it is important to follow certain medical procedures in order to stabilize the patient and prevent further injury and complications. Spinal immobilization by use of a spinal board or cervical collar must be carried out. In addition, pain medication should be administered to prevent shock, and they should be taken to Urgent Care as soon as is possible, so surgery can be carried out in order to relieve spinal cord pressure.
In order to win a swimming accident paralysis injuries lawsuit, you must demonstrate that the business owner or property owner was negligent in a number of ways such as failure to put up warning signs regarding shallow water or hidden hazards, failure to maintain the condition of the pool regularly and replacing items such as diving boards or loose tile around the pool, insufficient lifeguard presence, negligent instruction, and others. There’s so much we haven’t talked about in this post particularly as regards to the potential payout for paralysis injuries that we’d like you to give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338so we can go over the particulars of your case. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.