
Teen Driver Accident Negligence and Compensation for Injuries – Who’s Responsible?

Teenagers are an excitable bunch, and given the fact that they are not adults and not children, their developing brains may not be able to act in a manner that is mature and responsible. Teens love taking risks and testing boundaries, and one of the ways in which they do this is by driving with maximum speed with their friends in tow.

Hardly a day goes by without seeing news items about intoxicated teens causing grisly accidents, leading to massive loss of life. Teenagers need guidance, as well as must learn to make good choices in order to have a bright and safe future. Accidents caused by teens are some of the worst as these individuals often do not have the foresight to understand that their actions can have far-reaching consequences. 

Passenger negligence plays a role in the occurrence of teen auto accidents as this age group is prone to being influenced by the action and advice of others, making the driver act out of character out of a dare or simply due to rebellion. When a teenager causes an accident, questions regarding negligence as well as who will pay for the damages often arise, and it is not until you work with a lawyer to determine the facts of the case as well as itemize the damages while considering either the insurance company or litigation route that will you have a clear picture on how to proceed, and we’re here to help you with this. 

Are you looking for the best teen negligence accident attorney? Please call us NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. Over the last 25 years, we’ve recovered over $260 million for our clients who span the country as well as come from all backgrounds, helping them rebuild their lives after becoming the victims of negligence.

Our stellar accident attorneys bring to the table over 90 YEARS of collective legal experience and carry a wealth of expertise that helps us accurately assess the value of claims to ensure fairness and equity. The secret to our massive success over the years lies in the fact that we are not afraid to litigate claims that possess merit as this is often the only way in which clients can receive fair and maximum compensation under the law. 

By contrast, most law firms simply engage the insurance company in settlement negotiations in order to quickly resolve cases – while this may seem like a good thing, the client often ends up receiving an insufficient settlement amount which can barely cover their medical bills, let alone cater for the various damages are seeking after something as catastrophic as an auto accident.

In addition to having nationwide reach thanks to our network of referral law firms and attorneys, we also run a bilingual firm (hablamos Español), and we take on all cases on contingency fee basis, which simple means that there are ZERO UPFRONT FEES for the duration of the handling of the suit, as we only levy our fees at the end of the process, and only if we’ve recovered compensation on your behalf. If you were a victim of an accident caused by a teen driver, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation – our intake team is standing by. 

Teen Auto Accidents – Why it Happens and Who’s To Blame?

Given the fact that teenagers are still forming their own personality and character and crave social acceptance, they are more likely to acquiesce to the suggestions of others, just so they are not cast out of their social groups. 

Consequences of Peer Pressure on Teen Drivers

  1. Engage in speeding in an effort to appear cool to their peers 
  2. Engage in distracted driving via activities such as animated conversation which may take their attention away from the road 
  3. Engage in reckless driving where they take unreasonable risks just to appear enigmatic to their peers

Accidents Caused by Teens.  Who is to Blame?

Generally speaking, if the teen caused the accident, they can be held legally liable and this can include injuries to other drivers and passengers, as well as the destruction of property. However, in many states, their parents can be held liable for their actions due to the concept of vicarious liability, particularly if parents provided their teens with access to the vehicle and did not provide them with reasonable supervision. 

Insurance companies may also be held liable due to the premiums paid for the vehicle with regard to car insurance; however, coverage limits vary, and the insurance company will always fight to minimize your payout as large payouts go against their profit model. 

Best Teen Auto Accident Injury Lawyers – Call Us Today! 

These cases tend to be complex and as such, it is not advisable to go it alone or approach the insurance company without counsel as anything you say or agree to may lock you out of seeking fair compensation once you realize the scope of the issue and your potential ability to recover more damages as the cases progresses.

By working with an experienced injury attorney handling teen driving accidents, you will be provided with access to auto accident reconstruction experts, medical assistance and the best physicians to help you recover fast, as well as information regarding the true value of your claim. In addition, your best teen driving accident lawyer will engage the insurance in negotiations to ensure fair compensation so you can focus on getting better. If you were a victim of teen auto accident injuries, please give us a call NOW at (314) 481-63338 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.