Chicago CTA Accident Lawyer

Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) accidents may involve train or bus passengers, pedestrians, or nearby cars. These types of incidents have the potential to be severe, leaving you with extensive injuries, costly medical bills, lost pay, and property damage. Lawsuits to collect damages are complex, even if negligence seems obvious.

Many individuals reach out for a Chicago CTA accident lawyer’s guidance to help hold the liable party financially responsible. Call our respected personal injury law team today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about your legal options, whether you suffered harm as a passenger, pedestrian, or motorist.

Typical Injuries in Public Transportation Collisions

The CTA is among the most significant public transportation systems in the United States and is responsible for transporting approximately two million commuters daily. While they are less common than passenger car crashes, accidents happen and can leave those involved with life-altering injuries. Unfortunately, the CTA has more collision rates, fatalities, and derailments than any other metro transit system in the country. Some common injuries people suffer in collisions include:

CTA accidents are relatively common, and the agency, insurance companies, and their legal team fight to minimize damages and the amount of compensation they pay in settlements. The most effective strategy for victims to win a fair payout is having a Chicago CTA accident attorney ready to advocate on their behalf.

Filing Lawsuits Against the Chicago Transit Authority

The CTA does not have immunity from liability like many other governmental agencies. Therefore, the victims of train or bus crashes have the right to initiate legal action to collect monetary damages from the at-fault parties. Examples of negligent actions leading to collisions include:

  • Failure to repair defective train tracks
  • Train and bus operators traveling at excessive speeds
  • Dangerous braking and maneuvers
  • Pulling off or leaving the station while the doors are still open
  • Leaving hazardous debris on train tracks
  • Bus operator distractions, such as texting or talking on the phone

Sometimes, vehicle manufacturers or other third-party agencies also share liability, like accidents that occur because of defective braking systems. The injured person may also name those companies as defendants in the lawsuit for those cases.

Metropolitan Transit Authority Act

After sustaining bodily harm or property damage in a CTA collision, victims can file a case to collect payment for medical care, lost wages, permanent disabilities, and pain and suffering. Public transportation agencies that collect a fee from passengers have legal responsibilities to provide riders with the highest level of care.

The Metropolitan Transit Authority Act states that the organization must provide safe transportation for passengers paying a fee for transportation services. When the authority is liable for crashes, the legislation allows injured people to file a civil lawsuit to collect monetary damages for their injuries and losses. During the consultation, a CTA accident lawyer in Chicago could review the case and answer specific questions about the regulations and claims recovery process.

Speak to a Reliable CTA Accident Attorney in Chicago Today

Understanding the proper steps to take after suffering damages on public transportation is essential for protecting your rights and collecting a fair settlement. Millions of Chicago residents rely on the CTA daily for commuting and prefer it because of reliability, affordability, and safety.

Collisions are not as typical as regular car wrecks, but they are devastating when they happen. Contact a seasoned Chicago CTA accident lawyer if you need help recovering a settlement for damages caused by negligence. McCready Law offers free consults to discuss if you have a case.