Chicago Commercial Property Liability Lawyer

Commercial property owners and possessors must conduct regular inspections to locate and repair hazardous conditions, complete maintenance, and ensure customers’ safety. When their negligence harms visitors, the civil court may hold the careless parties legally and financially accountable.

Premises liability laws are complex, and proving a case requires substantial knowledge of related law and a thorough evidence analysis. Contacting a Chicago commercial property liability lawyer could be an effective way to help you reach a favorable outcome. Schedule a consultation with a knowledgeable premises liability attorney at McCready Law today.

Causes of Commercial Premises Liability Lawsuits

Injuries can lead to lawsuits against commercial property owners and managers in several scenarios.

Slip and Falls

The typical cause of commercial premises lawsuits is injuries from slipping, tripping, and falling because of property owner negligence. These accidents occur for various reasons, including uneven or wet flooring, hazardous steps and staircases, and poor lighting.

Elevator and Escalator Accidents

Commercial owners are responsible for inspecting and maintaining elevators and escalators on the property. When accidents happen due to neglecting regular inspections and failing to complete maintenance, injured parties can hold the property owner financially responsible.

Walkway, Sidewalk, and Parking Lot Accidents

Property owners, managers, and those in charge of maintaining outdoor vehicle areas must complete thorough inspections. Any hazards or defects, including flaws in walkways, sidewalks, parking lots, or icy conditions, must be fixed immediately.

Negligent Security

When commercial properties are in areas with higher levels of criminal activity, landowners are legally responsible for protecting customers from violent crimes, such as robberies or attacks. Some possible measures they can take include hiring security guards, installing cameras, or additional lighting.

During a consultation, a commercial property premises liability lawyer in Chicago could review a client’s case in detail and answer specific questions about the legal process of pursuing damages.

Establishing Property Owner Liability

Under the Chicago Premises Liability Act, property owners, possessors, and managers are not responsible for damages caused by apparent hazards. This means visitors entering the property are expected to avoid dangerous conditions that could harm them.

In commercial property premises liability lawsuits, the claim must establish specific elements to win an award for damages. The components necessary to prove fault and collect compensation include the following:

The Property Owner Failed a Duty of Care

The landowner had a duty to maintain the property and keep the grounds reasonably safe for customers they invited to enter the premises. However, they violated their legal duty and responsibility by failing to inspect and maintain the property or warn visitors of the hazardous situation.

Violation of Duty Led to Plaintiff’s Injuries

There is a direct link between the property owner’s breach of care and the plaintiff’s injuries and damages. Cases involving negligent security must establish the presence of foreseeability. The responsible party must have known or should have known of the potential for criminal activity and taken steps to protect customers.

Injuries Can Be Expressed as Damages

The plaintiff sustained verifiable damages in the accident, including bodily injuries, psychological damages, and financial losses.

A seasoned Chicago lawyer understands the complex procedure involved in commercial property injury cases and could help their client navigate each step.

Meet With a Commercial Property Premises Liability Attorney in Chicago

If you sustain injuries and financial losses while visiting a commercial property like a mall or grocery store, you have legal rights. Personal injury laws protect and allow you to pursue compensation from the liable party.

A Chicago commercial property premises liability lawyer could help you through the legal process and be a loyal advocate. Call today to schedule a consultation with a dedicated personal injury attorney at McCready Law.