You make purchases all the time, and most of the time, you get the product you expect to get. However, there are times when you buy a product and it turns out to be defective or unsafe. Sometimes, the defective item can cause you an injury. If this happened to you, it is time to contact a St. Louis product liability lawyer.
When filing a product liability lawsuit, it is best to trust the experience of a personal injury attorney who has handled many similar cases. You can focus on your recovery while the lawyer works hard to obtain the best outcome.
Filing a lawsuit in a defective product case is usually different from filing a lawsuit in a case of negligence or carelessness. Product liability law allows consumers to hold manufacturers accountable for injuries that were caused by products that broke or were defective from the beginning. Some of the defects that are commonly associated with product liability lawsuits include:
Instead of proving negligence, the injured person and their lawyer need to show that there was a defect with the product that led directly to the incident. A product liability attorney in St. Louis could help determine whether the product had a serious defect and who may be liable for it.
Once it has been determined that a product defect caused the injury, then the lawyer can continue to build a strong case by potentially showing that the defect existed when it left the place of manufacturing. For example, it may be shown that the product already had the defect when it was shipped from the plant to the retailer or the customer. The goal is to show that the condition of the product did not meaningfully change once it left the manufacturer.
The defendant’s legal team or insurance company may try to show that the injured person was not using the product in the way it was intended to be used. An experienced product liability lawyer could show that the injured person in St. Louis used the product in a reasonable manner, which leads to the conclusion that the defect in the product caused the injury.
Pursuing compensation in a product liability case could be tricky, and it generally requires the experience of a lawyer who fully understands product liability law.
Residents of Missouri typically must file within five years of the injury, according to MO Rev Stat § 516.140. Some exceptions apply. For instance, if the injured person did not discover the injury until later, the five-year period begins on the date they discovered the injury.
If defective merchandise has left you injured, you need legal help. Product liability law can be confusing, and manufacturers can hire legal teams to refute any claims that their product caused an injury. A St. Louis product liability lawyer is your best hope for reaching a positive outcome in a product liability lawsuit.
Seek the compensation you deserve, and contact McCready Law today to tell us about your situation. Scheduling a no-obligation consultation is an easy first step toward the legal journey you need to take to hold the manufacturer accountable for their defective product.