
Suffered a Catastrophic Knee Injury as a USPS Worker? For Compensation, Start Here

USPS workers have to walk for miles at a time given the fact that their vans may not be able to access certain sections of a neighborhood, or may have to lug heavy packages up multiple flights of stairs, or use their bodies as resistance to offload mail and packages from their vans. This repetitive motion can put a considerable amount of strain on their legs and knees, and over time, this may make them prone to severe knee injuries. As we age, the cartilage cushioning our knee joints from each other may degenerate, and those with conditions such as idiopathic or autoimmune arthritis may find themselves dealing with knee conditions faster and earlier than others.

When the cartilage has worn off, walking produces excruciating pain, and can significantly affect an individual’s ability to carry out their work duties, with some having to take time off work in order to see if the condition gets better with surgical intervention or physical therapy. However, cartilage degeneration and knee injuries in USPS workers can become so severe that they may have no option but to file for early retirement under the FERS disability benefits program.

This program exists for injured federal workers, but it can be a challenge to get accepted due to the stringent requirements when it comes to establishing causation, the language used in medical reports as well as the strict deadlines. It is because of this that you will need the keen eyes of an injured postal worker attorney to ensure you meet these requirements, and we’re here to help with that. 

We Are Here to Help You!

Are you looking for a federal workers compensation lawyer? If you were injured in the line of duty as a USPS worker and developed knee complications and are unable to work, you may be able to qualify for FERS disability benefits. The federal government may approve your benefits program if you worked for the USPS for a combined 18 months, if you are under the age of 62, and the medical inability to perform your job is going to last at least a year.

The experienced federal workers’ compensation attorneys at McCready Law have for over two decades helped thousands of injured postal workers just like you get, keep and increase their injury compensation benefits after getting injured on the job. For your 100% FREE legal consultation into FERS disability benefits for USPS workers, please give us a call NOW at 312-444-0214 to speak with one of our experienced attorneys. 

Degenerative Knee Conditions Plague Postal Workers

Due to the physically demanding nature of postal work, many workers may find themselves with a litany of aches and pains that may impede their productivity. In addition, repetitive strain and sudden trauma can worsen pre-existing degenerative conditions, leading to debilitating syndromes which can permanently put a postal worker out of commission. 

Osteoarthritis and USPS Workers

Osteoarthritis is known as a degenerative condition which is also colloquially known as “wear-and-tear” arthritis. Caused by the breakdown of cartilage, or the protective matter that prevents bone-on-bone rubbing, this condition can cause painful inflammation as well as loss of function and mobility in the affected joint. Years of walking on routes delivering packages, climbing in and out of their vans as well as placing a lot of strain on their knees as they hoist up large packages can accelerate knee cartilage degeneration. This then leads to knee instability, which can impede their productivity as postal workers. 

Postal Workers and Meniscus Tears

Meniscus tears are yet another form of degenerative condition which affects the C-shaped, rubbery cartilage discs found in the knee area, responsible for absorbing shock as one walks or jumps. Ongoing stress on the legs and knees can lead to the tearing of these sensitive structures, manifesting as instability, pain and limited range of motion. Meniscus tears are also caused by acute injury, such as when one suddenly twists in order to catch themselves from falling due to carrying a heavy package, or the gradual wear and tear associated with postal work. 

ACL Tears Can Lead to Permanent Injury for USPS Workers

ACL tears are associated with sudden trauma when it comes to postal workers. The ACL is also known as the anterior cruciate ligament, which forms one of the four major ligaments that stabilize the knee joint, helping the leg and knee make controlled and smooth movements. Partial ACL tears can be caused by rapid deceleration, landing from a jump or sudden direction change which may be needed when a postal worker loses their balance while carrying a substantial package or is traversing uneven ground, causing them to lose their balance. The jarring movement can lead to ACL stretching, tearing and even rupturing. ACL tears require time off work in order to rehabilitate the injured knee, or even surgical intervention so that the tear can be mechanically repaired. However, many postal workers that suffer complex ACL tears may end up with permanent knee injury and complications, necessitating early retirement.

Knee Fractures and Federal FERS Disability for Postal Workers

Knee fractures are also common in postal workers who lose their footing while carrying heavy packages, leading to falls, or when a heavy piece of equipment strikes their knee with a considerable amount of force. Knee fractures can be simple or complex, and may involve multiple pieces or fragments of bone. Knee fractures by their very nature are excruciatingly painful and disabling, and may require immobilization, surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation. A knee fracture may mean not being able to work for months, and may morph into permanent disability. 

Experienced Injured Postal Worker Attorneys – Call Us Today!

These types of catastrophic knee injuries may qualify you for FERS disability benefits; however, there is a catch: Your injuries must be expected to last more than 12 months. In addition, you must have a minimum of 18 months working with the federal government as there is a certain level of commitment and investment to the public you must meet in order to be considered a bona fide federal worker entitled to compensation in the event that you sustain an injury. We understand that this may all sound confusing and overwhelming, and it’s because of this that we’d like to invite you to give us a call at 312-444-0214 so we can further advise you on all things federal employees retirement system for injured USPS workers. Remember, the call is 100% FREE, and there is absolutely no legal obligation. Thanks for choosing us, and we look forward to helping you.