Temporary Versus Permanent Disability for Injured Last Mile Workers – Your FERS Disability Benefits Information, Explained

Last mile workers contracted by the USPS don’t have it easy due to the demanding nature of their job. Oftentimes, they suffer injuries while on the job, necessitating taking time off work to recover. In some instances, these injuries are so severe that they require a significant amount of time off which can range from months to up to a year or more. Thankfully, the FECA legislation for federal employees provides them with an option to seek compensation for their injuries and undergo an evaluation to determine their eligibility as well as the period of compensation. As an injured federal worker, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the process in order to determine whether your injuries are temporary or permanent, as well as how much you may be able to recover as compensation.
Temporary disability refers to a condition that impairs your ability to perform job duties, albeit for a limited amount of time. Permanent disability under FERS, however, refers to a condition that makes it inviable for you to continue working in the last mile worker position, necessitating ongoing financial assistance as part of early retirement on account of your potentially disabling injuries. It is important to note that these claims tend to be very complex and nuanced, and a small misstep, even during the administration process, may result in weeks or months lost during the application process. Because of this, you need the eyes of an experienced federal workers’ compensation law firm to ensure your claim is expedited and approved, and we’re here to help with that.
Are you looking for a skilled FERS disability compensation attorney? Please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation. The experienced FERS disability retirement lawyers at McCready Law possess decades of experience where we’ve helped thousands of injured individuals seek compensation after suffering an on-the-job injury or developing an occupational disease or any other chronic disease made work through postal work. McCready Law’s best FERS disability compensation attorneys understand that this is a difficult time for you, and it’s because of this that we’d like to announce the availability of a flat hourly consultation rate for all injured last mile postal workers, which helps you lock in on an affordable rate as we work on getting you compensation under the FERS injured postal worker system. In addition, our fees are reviewed by OPM in order to ensure that you’re in agreement with the same in the interest of transparency and making sure you keep the bulk of your compensation to cater for your various medical and rehabilitative needs. We run a bilingual firm (hablamos Espanol), and serve all injured last mile postal workers countrywide. If you’d like to have a 100% FREE initial consultation with one of our best FERS disability compensation attorneys, please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 – our intake team is standing by.
Temporary Disability for Injured Postal Workers
Temporary disability for injured postal workers refers to a condition which impairs your ability to work as a last mile worker for a limited amount of time. Because of this, you’re expected to eventually make a recovery from your injury, be it a sprain, fracture or concussion and will be able to return to your previous position once your condition resolves. It is important to note that medical documentation lies at the heart of FERS disability compensation, so you will have to see a specialist for your medical assessment. These temporary disability benefits may last up to a year, but the duration is flexible and contingent upon your disability or injuries. In addition, OPM or the Office of Personnel Management may require that you provide medical documentation from time to time to determine if you’re still eligible for benefits. The idea here is to try to help you get back to work so that resources are allocated to those that need them. Functional capacity evaluations may also be carried out in order to determine if you’ve gained sufficient strength enabling you to carry out work duties you were assigned to prior to your temporary disability.
Permanent Disability for Injured Postal Workers
On the other hand, permanent disability refers to an injury or occupational health condition that’s not anticipated to improve over time, meaning that you may suffer long-term disability and will probably never be able to carry out job duties as assigned. Last mile workers who contract or develop diseases such as multiple sclerosis, degenerative brain conditions as well as severe back injuries, traumatic brain injuries from an auto accident may qualify for permanent disability as long as they are able to provide medical evidence detailing their inability to work due to significant health impairment. Due to the severity of the conditions associated with permanent disability, you will receive FERS disability benefits for an extended amount of time as long as you are deemed disabled or until you reach retirement age. That said, the burden of proof is higher for individuals who claim permanent disability as last mile workers, as one must show how their condition or injury impacts their ability to work for the USPS.
Managing Your Finances as a Last Mile Worker Under FERS Disability Compensation
Both permanent and temporary disability require that you become financially savvy, if you aren’t already, so you are able to manage your new life and its needs, and make sure you’re able to cater for things like medical expenses, everyday living expenses, and even the cost of rehabilitation. In addition, while permanent disability under FERS offers a more stable financial net, this should not be a motivation to sit around and do nothing – having a second income via part-time remote work or engaging in vocational training will not only help you maintain a certain lifestyle through the years, but it will keep you mentally sharp and socially viable.
Best FERS Disability Compensation Attorneys for Postal Workers – Call Us Today!
Whether you suffered a permanent or temporary disability, we’re here to help: please call us NOW at 312-444-0214 to learn more about your legal options for justice and compensation via a 100% FREE consultation with one of our experienced and friendly FERS disability compensation attorneys. Remember, we serve all injured or unwell last mile workers, and there is no obligation in exchange for this legal consultation into all things FERS disability benefits. Thanks for choosing McCready Law, and we look forward to helping you.