
Who Pays My Medical Bills After a Car Crash? Chicago Injury Attorneys

It’s completely understandable to be worried about your medical bills after sustaining a car accident in Chicago or anywhere else in Illinois. The question of whether your insurance or the other driver’s insurance will take care of these is a common one that we get asked by our clients seeking the services of an Illinois car accident attorney. However, insurance matters when it comes to these kinds of cases aren’t cut and dry as you’re about to see shortly.

Are you looking for a law firm that handles car crash lawsuits in Chicago, or anywhere else in Illinois? Call us NOW at 1 (773) 825-3547 and benefit from our cumulative 70+ years of successfully handling these types of cases. We’ve helped hundreds get the compensation they rightfully deserve after sustaining injuries in accidents that weren’t their fault. Call 1 (773) 825-3547 for your FREE and no-commitment consultation today and speak with one of our friendly and knowledgeable Chicago injury lawyers.

Who Handles Your Medical Bills After a Chicago Car Accident?

The reality is that the at-fault insurance company doesn’t pay your bills as they arrive; they instead reimburse either you or your insurance company once your case has been resolved. Treatments after a Chicago car accident may last a year or more, meaning that you may have to contend with unpaid bills for an extended amount of time. In fact, in some cases, our clients have suffered catastrophic injuries that leave them unable to communicate information regarding their insurance policy and provider as they wait to receive treatment at the hospital ER. This usually means that we will have to work with family to get this information so that we make sure all bills are taken care of by their insurance provider.

Guard Your Credit Score

Unfortunately, unpaid medical bills are sometimes sent to collection agencies which can torpedo a person’s credit score. While it isn’t your fault that you got injured, it is important that you’re on top of your bills by working with a Chicago car accident injury attorney to ensure you maintain your favorable credit score. Call us at 1 (773) 825-3547 the minute you’re able to after your accident and we’ll get to work at ensuring that all this information is sent to your insurance provider and that your medical team has the same and can relay medical bills as they are churned out.

Let Us Deal With The Insurance Provider – Call For Help Now!

Lastly, it is important to note that the other driver’s insurance carrier may hem and haw and opt not to pay your medical bills until liability is apportioned to the at-fault party, and at the resolution of the case. Because of this, it is important to let your medical provider know to bill your insurance company and not the other individual’s in order to not have your bills pile up, unpaid for months. Don’t have insurance? Let us help you – call us at 1 (773) 825-3547 and we’ll speak with your medical provider and get them to hold treatment bills until your claim comes to a successful resolution. If you’ve been injured in a car accident in Illinois that wasn’t your fault, call us – 1 (773) 825-3547 and we’ll provide you with timely legal advice on the next steps to take to get your claim handled in as little time as possible.