Chicago Rollover Car Accident Lawyer

Some crashes are so severe that the vehicles roll over on their side or roof. These types of crashes are less common but more likely to have catastrophic consequences for everyone involved.

Sadly, they usually happen because of driver negligence. You have the right to seek monetary damages if you suffered harm due to someone else’s carelessness. Schedule an appointment with a Chicago rollover car accident lawyer to learn more about how we could help your car accident injury claim.

Causes of Rollovers

Top-heavy vehicles with high centers of gravity, such as trucks, sports utility vehicles, SUVs, and minivans, are more prone to roll. However, it can happen to all cars. There are two primary categories of rollover. The first category is tripping crashes, when the vehicle’s tire hits an external object, such as a curb. It may also happen by clipping another car.

The second category, untripped accidents, are less typical and do not involve striking an object. The crashes often occur because of reckless motorist actions, such as speeding around curves and turns, causing a sudden shift of gravity that causes the car to roll.

The reasons why a vehicle might flip into a rollover crash include:

  • Driver distractions
  • Impaired motorists
  • Defective vehicle design
  • Brake failure
  • Tire blowouts
  • Excessive weight
  • Poor weather and slippery roadways
  • Motorist errors

Some of the typical injuries a Chicago motorist might experience from rollover crashes include brain injuries, spinal cord trauma, and internal organ damage.

Possible Recoverable Damages

After establishing fault in a car crash, the court (if the case moves to the litigation phase, after settlement talks do not lead to an agreement) typically awards damages within two primary groups.

Economic Damages

Economic damages are the monetary losses the plaintiff can prove with documentation, such as current hospital bills, the cost of ongoing treatment, and lost pay. The judge may also award compensation for prescriptions, physical therapy, and medical equipment.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are objective injuries that are not as simple to establish. The civil court may award payment for pain and suffering, permanent scarring, disfigurement, disabilities, and psychological distress due to the accident.

Time Limitations for Filing Lawsuits

Understanding local civil laws is essential for filing lawsuits after car crashes, particularly the time limit for initiating a case. Under the rules of the Illinois Compiled Statutes 735 § 5/13-202, the maximum time to file a claim for damages sustained in car crashes because of negligence is two years.

However, there are some exceptions, depending on the case’s specifics. Every case is different, and the best way for vehicle collision victims to protect their rights is to speak to a Chicago rollover car wreck attorney.

Modified Comparative Negligence

The civil laws in Chicago allow the plaintiff to recover monetary damages, even if they are partly at fault. However, their portion of responsibility must be no more than 50 percent, or the laws bar them from collecting a settlement.

If the court finds the petitioner shares liability, they subtract that amount from the total award for damages. A Chicago-based lawyer could review the rules and handle the legal filings to ensure compliance with the guidelines.

Contact a Skilled Rollover Car Accident Attorney in Chicago

Crashes causing your car to roll can leave you with severe and life-threatening injuries, and lasting emotional and psychological damage. When someone else’s thoughtless actions cause you harm, you must hold them financially responsible.

A hard-working Chicago rollover car accident lawyer could review your case, investigate to gather evidence, and help determine the best strategy for collecting a just settlement. Call soon to get started on your case immediately with our amazing personal injury attorneys.