Chicago Side Impact Collision Lawyer

The busy intersections, roadways, and unpredictable weather in Chicago increase the risk of being involved in a major car collision. Side impacts, also called broadside or T-bone crashes, occur when one vehicle strikes another on the side and can happen for any number of reasons.

The collisions are often severe, with catastrophic consequences. If you or someone you love suffered harm from another motorist’s negligence, you must hold them financially accountable. Contact a Chicago side impact collision lawyer to learn more about the potential in a legal claim.

T-Bone Car Crashes

The sudden, forceful, and jarring impact on the side of a vehicle often causes severe property damage and can cause bodily harm to passengers. This type of car wreck most commonly occurs when a careless driver fails to stop when another motorist has the right of way.

Studies by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, aimed at determining the primary causes of deadly auto collisions, show that T-bone car crashes account for over 20 percent of fatal injuries nationwide. After reviewing the T-bone crash case, a Chicago attorney could answer specific questions about the insurance payout or civil court process.

Common Injuries From Side-Impact Crashes

Examples of common injuries that often result from these types of accidents include:

  • Whiplash and other neck injuries, strains, and soft tissue injuries
  • Pelvic fractures and broken bones
  • Chest and Abdominal injuries
  • Concussions and traumatic brain injuries
  • Severe back injuries and spinal cord damage
  • Traumatic amputations and crush injuries
  • Internal organ damage

Establishing Liability

Driver distractions, such as texting and intoxicated driving, are the most typical causes of broadside car accidents. To be successful, the case must show the defendant’s recklessness caused the crash, and the plaintiff sustained damages. Evidence to establish liability could include police officer reports, medical records, accident recreation, and witness statements.

The court considers the severity of the plaintiff’s injuries, whether they will cause permanent disabilities, and how they will continue to affect them. They will also consider the defendant’s actions leading up to the accident.

Recoverable Damages

Upon establishing the other driver is at fault for the crash, the plaintiff may be able to recover damages for their losses. Recoverable damages may include:

  • Medical care and the cost of ongoing treatment
  • Medical equipment, devices, and prescriptions
  • Lost salary and earning potential for the time the injured party misses from work
  • Transportation assistance for doctor appointments
  • Loss of the enjoyment of life and doing the things they did before the accident
  • Pain and suffering
  • Permanent scarring and disabilities
  • Emotional and psychological distress

A lawyer could help someone preserve bills for expenses, and offer advice on non-economic or future medical expenses to include in the settlement demand.

The Statute of Limitations

A personal injury statute, called the statute of limitations, sets a deadline for people to seek payment for damages and losses caused by negligence. In Chicago, the claimant has two years to file claims for cases resulting from car crashes.

However, there may be some exceptions, depending on the case specifics. A side impact collision lawyer in Chicago could handle the legal filings to ensure compliance with the statutes to prevent a case dismissal.

Schedule a Consultation With a Side Impact Collision Attorney in Chicago

T-bone car crashes are often traumatic and can leave you with bodily harm and some level of psychological trauma. When the crash happens because of someone else’s carelessness, civil laws protect you by providing a process to collect monetary damages from the at-fault party.

A Chicago side impact collision lawyer could offer sound legal advice and guide you through the procedure to collect a fair settlement. Call today and schedule a free appointment to review your case with a reliable personal injury lawyer.