Chicago Gym Injury Lawyer

While many people sustain injuries in the gym due to their own error, others get hurt because gym owners act negligently and failed to protect their customers. If this is your case, you have the right to recover damages.

Filing a legal case against the gym can be complicated without legal assistance from a premises liability lawyer. An experienced Chicago gym injury lawyer could help you navigate the personal injury case and fight for fair compensation.

How Gym Negligence Can Lead to Injuries

People who come to the gym are looking to improve their health. Unfortunately, the gym owners’ negligence could lead to opposite results. Here are some common gym incidents that can result in a personal injury claim.

Poorly Maintained Equipment

Gyms are responsible for regularly inspecting and maintaining equipment. Failure to do so can result in mechanical malfunctions. For example, a treadmill with a malfunctioning belt could cause the person to trip and fall, and these falls can lead to serious medical problems, including spine and head injuries.

Inadequate Supervision

Gym staff and trainers must provide proper supervision, especially when members are using heavy equipment or excessive weights. For example, if a personal trainer fails to correct a client’s improper lifting technique, they can sustain a serious back injury.

Slippery Floors

The owner of the gym must ensure that floors are dry and free of hazards. If they fail to place warning signs or clean up spills, slip-and-fall accidents are likely to occur. Falling on a hard tile floor could lead to significant injuries, including a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Overcrowded Workout Areas

Overcrowded gyms are a common problem in Chicago. The individuals who run the facility must manage the number of people who can come to the gym at once, or risk creating a fire hazard, or a situation where there is not enough staff to keep track of safety measures.

Regardless of the cause of the injury, when there is negligence involved, an experienced gym injury attorney in Chicago could help someone file a claim for compensation.

Compensation for Workout Facility-Related Injuries

If a person in Chicago gets hurt due to a gym’s negligence, they can try to recover damages with the help of a lawyer. The most common expenses to be compensated include:

  • Medical Bills: Everything related to the treatment after the injury can be compensated, including the money needed for future treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Lost Wages: If the person has to miss work due to the injury, an attorney can help recover lost wages. In cases where there is a disability (like paralysis) that keeps the person from returning to work in the future, they can request compensation for the loss of earning capacity.
  • Non-Economic Damages: Individuals may be able to recover subjective damages like psychological trauma, loss of enjoyment of life, or other concepts that do not come with a specific dollar value.

The statute of limitations for filing an injury claim in Chicago is two years. Postponing legal action could make it harder for an attorney to make the case, because as time passes, evidence disappears and witness memories become clouded. All of this affects the injured party’s shot at full compensation.

Consult an Experienced Chicago Gym Injury Attorney Today

If you got hurt while visiting the gym, you can demand compensation from those responsible. For that, you would need to prove the gym’s negligence, collect relevant evidence, and file a claim on time. Doing this on your own while recovering from injuries is not recommended. Without legal assistance, there is significant room for errors.

At McCready Law, we work hard to make sure your rights in a personal injury case are fully protected. To schedule a free consultation, please contact us today and speak with a gym injury lawyer in Chicago.