Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyer

Although you might not think of it often, people have to rely on others to act responsibly in order to stay safe. Every time someone gets into a car, they put their trust and safety into the hands of every other driver on the roads, trusting that the other motorists will follow the rules of the roads and act safely. Similarly, people put their trust into homeowners and business owners to maintain safe premises so that accidents do not occur.

Unfortunately, sometimes people take actions that cause harm to other people. If you believe that someone else’s actions or inactions hurt you or your family member, you might be able to fight back in a legal claim. An Indianapolis personal injury lawyer could explain your legal options.

Grounds for Filing an Indianapolis Personal Injury Claim

Anytime somebody suffers a personal injury through another person’s unlawful act, they might have cause to file a personal injury suit. The legal claim arises from the defendant’s careless, negligent, reckless, or intentional misconduct. Commonly, people file legal claims after the following types of accidents or incidents:

It is important to work with an Indianapolis attorney who has experience with many different types of personal injury claims and knows what is necessary to succeed.

Proving Negligence in an Indianapolis Personal Injury Claim

Most personal injury suits involve claims of negligent behavior. Proving negligence requires several factors.

Duty of Care

To succeed in a legal suit based on a defendant’s negligence, a claimant must prove that the defendant had a duty of care to them. Although the concept of duty of care seems to imply a profound relationship between the two parties, in most cases, a duty of care is just implied. For instance, a motorist has a duty of care to drive responsibly toward every other person on the roads, even if they have never met them. Similarly, a grocery store manager has a duty of care to everyone who enters their store, whether they are repeat customers or first-time visitors, to ensure that their store is relatively safe.

Violation of Duty of Care

The claimant must prove that the defendant did something that violated their duty of care. A motorist who speeds through a red light is an example of this.


The claimant must demonstrate that the defendant’s violation of their duty caused the claimant to suffer an injury. For instance, a person must show that their twisted ankle was the result of slipping on liquid in a grocery aisle.


The claimant must prove that they suffered actual damages because of the defendant’s actions. An example of damages could be the pedestrian who suffered broken bones after being struck by a motorist.

A well-practiced personal injury lawyer in Indianapolis has the ability to comb through the evidence and build a solid claim for damages. While the liability for the lawsuit might seem obvious, insurance companies are skilled at deflecting blame, which is why an injured party should have legal counsel.

Talk to an Indianapolis Personal Injury Attorney for Guidance

If someone else’s mistake harmed you or your family member, you might have the right to seek monetary compensation for your losses. A hardworking Indianapolis personal injury lawyer could help you identify who hurt you and hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions. Working with an experienced legal representative could increase your chances of success, so talk with a trusted member of our legal team now.