Oak Lawn Car Accidents Involving Bad Weather

Winter weather is a fact of life in our region of the country. Oak Lawn can get snow or ice as early as October and as late as April, but during the height of winter, drivers should always be aware of icy driving conditions. Even snowplows and salt trucks can slide off the roads. Drivers must consistently be aware of possible icy conditions. Bad road conditions are the cause of many Oak Lawn car accidents.

Speak with an auto injury attorney to learn more about Oak Lawn car accidents involving bad weather.

Signs of Danger

There are certain signs of danger when driving in snow or icy weather. Most cars have automatic braking systems (ABS). The computer sensors in the car senses when the tires lose grip on the road and pull the brakes to help control steering. Before ABS brakes, drivers would overreact to a skidding car by slamming on their brakes.

This caused the car to continue sliding in the same direction. ABS brakes help slow and stop the car while skidding. Another important tip when a person feels their car begin to skid is to turn their wheels into the skid. This helps keep the car straight rather than fishtail on the road. Drivers should always be extra careful in snowy or icy conditions.

What Are the Dangers of Black Ice?

An individual should always drive with extra caution during snowy or icy road conditions. Even if the roads appear dry and clear, patches of ice can be present and may cause someone to lose control. It only takes one patch of black ice to cause a car to lose control and cause a car crash. It may be a single car crash or it may result in the skidding car striking another vehicle. In the winter, it is a good idea to keep gloves, a hat, and a blanket in the car in case of a car accident that makes it impossible to get the car back on the road.

Steps to Take Following an Accident

After being involved in a car accident due to snowy or icy road conditions, there are several steps a person should take. First, they should be sure that everyone in their vehicle including themselves is safe. If the vehicle presents a hazard to oncoming traffic, they should try to move it to safety. Next, Illinois law requires a driver to check on the wellbeing of anyone else involved in the accident. Finally, they should call 911 for the police and/or paramedics. It is essential after all Oak Lawn car accidents involving bad weather to get a police report.

After an Oak Lawn car accidents involving bad weather, it is essential to obtain a police report. A driver involved in a crash resulting from snowy or icy road conditions should explain to the police officer what caused their car to lose control. After all accidents, but especially ones from road conditions, a person should take photos of the position of the cars as well as any skid marks or tire tracks. It is important to document the scene following an accident from icy or snowy roads.

How Does Bad Weather Affect the Assignment of Fault?

Insurance companies examine fault in car accidents involving snowy or icy road conditions. They attribute fault to the person who loses control of a car due to slippery road conditions. It is no defense that a person hit a patch of black ice. Even if a person did not recognize the danger or the existence of the ice, that is not a defense either. The law requires a person to exercise reasonable care at all times which includes driving at a safe speed to avoid slippery road conditions.

An insurance company may also attribute some fault to the driver who is hit by a sliding car. Often times, there is sufficient time to react to a sliding car so that a person is able to avoid a crash. Drivers have a duty to take evasive maneuvers to avoid an accident.

How an Experienced Injury Attorney Can Help

After a car accident caused by snowy or icy roads, an experienced personal injury lawyer can be of great assistance. First, they can deal with the insurance company on your behalf and ensure that your rights are protected. Accidents involving snow and ice are frequently contested by insurance adjusters. This means they may deny liability or try to blame you for the accident. Contacting a lawyer who can be on your side at the earliest time can make a big difference in your ultimate injury recovery.