Tips on How to Negotiate With Progressive Insurance After an Injury

Insurance Companies

If you’re like any other American, you’ve taken out insurance policies with insurance giants such...

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Little-Known Allstate Injury Settlement Negotiation Secrets

Insurance Companies

Allstate Insurance is a very visible and well known home and auto insurer. It is...

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Saying These Things Can Hurt Your Car Accident Case

Car Accidents

The moments after an auto accident can be traumatic, disorienting and leave almost everyone involve...

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Common Reasons Why Insurance Companies Will Deny Your Injury Claim

Insurance Companies

Insurance companies make money by selling premiums that promise a payout when something bad happens...

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Subrogation – How Does It Affect My Personal Injury Claim?

Legal Advice

Subrogation sounds like a daunting word, but if you’ve been injured, it is a word...

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Here’s Why You Need a Letter of Protection – Personal Injury Attorneys

Insurance Companies

Immediately after any accident, you’ll need to go to the Emergency Room in order to...

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Failure to Mitigate Damages – Is It Fair? Personal Injury

Legal Advice

One of the reasons why we advise prospective clients never to think about representing themselves...

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Don’t Fall For These Personal Injury Insurance Company Tricks!

Insurance Companies

The insurance industry is one of the most profitable in the world. Because of this,...

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How Do You Know If You Have A Good Settlement Offer?


The reality is that most personal injury lawsuits settle out of court. The TV theatrics...

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Help! The Other Driver Suggested Not To Go Through Insurance

Insurance Companies

You’re waiting for the red light to turn green at a traffic stop and all...

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Common Insurance Company Excuses Used To Deny Claims

Personal Injury

Insurance companies care about their bottom line as they rightfully should; however, in most cases,...

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Tips on How to Take Legal Action Against Safeco Insurance After an Injury

Insurance Companies

PLEASE NOTE - WE ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTING THESE CLAIMS. THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING.   The business premise of insurance companies is one where you pay a certain amount of money on a regular basis so that you are covered...

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Should I Get An Attorney If I Have Health Insurance?

Legal Advice

Health insurance is a pre-requisite for every American of legal age. Given the multitude of...

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Negotiating With The Insurance Company – Here’s How To Do It

Personal Injury

Insurance companies, just like every company in America, exist to make a profit. Insurance has...

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How To Get Your Loya Insurance Claims Approved

Personal Injury

Loya Insurance has been in operation for decades. This multimillion dollar company has hundreds of...

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