Important Information On Federal Workers’ Compensation Attorney Fees

Federal Workers' Compensation

If you are in the US Postal Service, VA, Homeland Security or other branches of...

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Does OWCP Accept Back Injury and Pain Claims?

Federal Workers' Compensation

It is estimated that over 80 percent of the population will experience some form of...

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Is Fibromyalgia Compensable? Federal Workers’ Compensation

Federal Workers' Compensation

Fibromyalgia is a nervous system condition thought to be caused by overactive nerves. It presents...

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Important Information About Return to Work for Injured Federal Workers

Federal Workers' Compensation

Injured federal workers have the option of returning to work at the advisement of their...

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Important Information on Attorney Fees for Injured Federal Workers

Federal Workers' Compensation

Injured federal workers will find that OWCP can be a bureaucratic nightmare should they try...

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Injured USPS Workers and City Carrier Assistants – Do I Have a Case?

Federal Workers' Compensation

All postal workers are eligible for compensation under FECA, a piece of legislation passed decades...

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Schedule Award Concerns: A Must-Read For Injured Federal Workers

Federal Workers' Compensation

Thanks to legislation passed in 1949, federal workers are now able to receive compensation should...

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Most Commonly Filled Forms in Federal Workers’ Compensation

Federal Workers' Compensation

Federal workers' compensation can be complicated if you’re just getting into it and are looking...

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Lower Extremities Injuries and Federal Workers’ Compensation

Federal Workers' Compensation

The lower extremities refers to your back as well as organs and joints that make...

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Schedule Award for Nerve Damage – Injured Federal Workers

Federal Workers' Compensation

Your nervous system is inundated by a network of nerves which transmit sensations such as...

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Important Information About USPS Form CA-17 For Letter Carriers

Federal Workers' Compensation

Injured postal workers are required to fill in form CA-17, which is a form which...

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USPS CCA Injury – A Short Guide on How To File a Claim

Federal Workers' Compensation

FECA, or the Federal Employee Compensation Act protects all federal workers and their rights should...

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How To Fill Out CA-7 Form – Federal Workers’ Compensation

Federal Workers' Compensation

Form CA-7 is used by federal workers seeking to claim compensation for traumatic injuries suffered...

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USPS Injured Worker Reporting Procedures

Federal Workers' Compensation

As a postal worker, it is important to note that injury claims are taken seriously...

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How Do I Fill in the CA-1 Form? Injured USPS Worker Guide

Federal Workers' Compensation

Injured postal workers can sustain an injury caused by an external force or stress or...

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